- What Should You Do About It?
Suffering with a lack of confidence is a common condition that can affect you in a number of ways.
You avoid social events, because it's difficult to speak easily with strangers. You want to find the confidence to apply for your ideal job, but interviews fill you with dread. You'd love to blast out a song on Karaoke night, but your lack of confidence just won't allow you to.There's only one thing for it. It's now time for you to leave behind this lack of confidence and really start to live your life without constraints.You may have already heard that setting goals is important. That's true - it is. Nevertheless, if your goal was to be a Formula One Racing Driver by next month, but you can't even drive, then the likelihood is you won't achieve that goal. But, if the goal you wanted to achieve was more realistic, like learning to drive a car in 6 months, then you would stand a far better chance of succeeding.
Whenever you fail to achieve your goal, it can lead to your self confidence taking a tumble.
One simple way to start to build self confidence is to set some goals that are easily achievable. Whatever your goals are (it's best to start with very small goals at first), when you successfully complete them, it will give you a great sense of satisfaction and a welcome boost to your self confidence.
Hobbies such as crafting, painting, woodwork, needlework, and cookery are all things that can be carried out at home. Be sure to choose something that you enjoy doing, set yourself some achievable goals, and keep practising until you attain them. You get a wonderful feeling with every achievement, regardless of how small it is.When your lack of confidence is related to something that you can't remedy yourself, then you should not give up - you should seek help from others. There are numerous ways to improve self confidence, and some ways are more effective than others. A well written book by a confidence expert is a good place to start, and hypnotherapy has always proven to be a fast and efficient way to give your confidence a boost.
Whatever you do to overcome your lack of confidence, doing something (anything) is always better than doing nothing at all. Once your confidence has started to increase, you should then take your hobby or interest further by joining a group, apply for all those jobs that you really want, and start to socialize a great deal more. By doing things such as these, you get to meet new people, your confidence increases even more, and you leave your lack of confidence behind in the past.
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By:Norman Spinrad
Published on 1990 by SIU Press
No ordinary critic, Norman Spinrad explicates, ce...