While maintaining the motivation of a partner is an art, there are certain strategies that will allow you to maintain your enthusiasm for the job. I advise you do the following:
1. Meet privately with your partner. It is very important that whenever you want to correct a person, it does not feel exposed, otherwise it will increase its defenses and diminish the likelihood of an actual change in behavior.
1. Indicate the purpose of the conversation. Discuss your interest is to develop skills and resources so that he or she can succeed in their day to day.
This step is important because it is a way of saying "I want to help and although the subject might be uncomfortable to try my goal is to support you for your growth." Again, what we're doing here is to increase its responsiveness to say whatever you want.
1. Mention what you've observed. At this time, tell the person what is the error that requires correction or habit or what needs improvement in one task to him.
Focus on facts and not speculation or interpretation you have of the case. For example, let's assume that you want to correct the problem that is always late at the time of entry.
Avoid saying "I've never known someone who wants to lose their jobs as fast" or "I have not seen such irresponsibility in many years." Although I really want, Focus on behavior: "In the last three weeks later you got five." Period. The fact is, no interpretation of what we think is happening.
1. Indicate why it is important to correct their behavior. This will help greatly depersonalized correction, ie it means that if you're drawing attention is not because you fall ill or because they want to annoy, but because it is within a system and their participation is important.
In the example I have been driving, you could mention something like: "Customers expect the look of the 8 o'clock. Some of them are in a hurry to get to other sites and we are not available to serve them are angry with us and iran to competition. "
If you realize, all the arguments that employees do not have to do with you or with the company, but to customer service: something completely justified and logical.
1. Ask what you can do to correct their own behavior or performance. This is a strategic step within the whole process because you're doing your own thinking and find ways to solve the problem.
If you tell them how to take it as an obligation or coercion. But if he sets his own way will be corrected with more availability.
But be very careful to get evasive answers. Do not conform to an "I promise not to do again." That is not enough. You have to get a specific response to the employee, such as: "as from tomorrow I will put my alarm clock 10 minutes before." That it is specific!
One advantage of this step is you're doing your partner a mature, rather than because you give him all the answers led him to look for himself. Eventually, you will be able to find their own solutions instead of you're wondering all the time.
1. Take the follow-up. Never let a good performance goes unnoticed. If the employee shows signs of improving, felicítalo. This way you'll be reinforcing the new behavior learned.
It is also a way to say "I'm fixing you."
There is an additional recommendation that you want to do: care for the tone of your voice and nonverbal language to carry out this process. When you're angry about something that was a bad employee, it is likely that, unconsciously, is what you want to download your discomfort and projected in your gestures, gestures and vocal tone.
If you practice these tips, your partner is not discouraging because we've brought to see things from another perspective: that we are helping to be better at what it does. You'll feel more self-motivated and will gain more influence over him.
Much success!
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About the Author
In its 13 years of professional experience has trained over 2000 executives. Articles are now posted on internet sites in Mexico, Latin America and Europe. In two months it reached the position in the Google search engine in the first place under the category of "Strategic Leadership and Motivation."
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